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doc icon DUGiDocs gener 2024 Can prophylactic rehabilitation reduce the occurrence of lower limb lymphedema in patients with gynecologic malignances?: a multicenter, controlled, open-label, randomized clinical trial Mariño Pérez, Marta
doc icon DUGiDocs 2021 Efectivitat d’un complement alimentari en la cicatrització d’úlceres venoses tractades amb teràpia hiperbàrica: assaig clínic: projecte de recerca Sfettina Rodríguez, Marina
doc icon DUGiDocs 2020 Grupo de apoyo para personas con una amputación del miembro inferior: proyecto de investigación Coca Romera, Ariadna
doc icon DUGiDocs 2017 Is continuous perineural stump infusion of bupivacaine effective on acute and chronic postoperative stump pain? Could it reduce phantom pain after major lower limb amputation? García Mullor, María del Mar
out url icon Recercat Is continuous perineural stump infusion of bupivacaine effective on acute and chronic postoperative stump pain? Could it reduce phantom pain after major lower limb amputation? García Mullor, María del Mar
doc icon DUGiDocs gener 2024 Optimizing recovery: investigating the role of early postoperative mobilisation in free flaps surgery for lower leg reconstruction Ferret i Rossell, Marta
out url icon Recercat Use of teriparatide to accelerate the healing of lower extremity stress fractures in high-level and high-performance athletes: a phase IV/II multicenter randomized clinical trial Oliveras Font, Mercè
doc icon DUGiDocs gener 2015 Use of teriparatide to accelerate the healing of lower extremity stress fractures in high-level and high-performance athletes: a phase IV/II multicenter randomized clinical trial Oliveras Font, Mercè
out url icon Recercat Use of teriparatide to accelerate the healing of lower extremity stress fractures in high-level and high-performance athletes: a phase IV/II multicenter randomized clinical trial Oliveras Font, Mercè

